Saturday, February 25, 2012

Perform several operations in 1 ALTER TABLE?

Hi there. Does anyone know of a why to perform several operations on a table within only 1 ALTER TABLE statement? I haven't found anything to date and don't even know if it's possible.
Angelwhat's the point? are you worried about performance? you shouldn't be, because you shouldn't be altering your tables at all in production, other than to fix bugs or release new versions of a product. it shouldn't be an everyday thing.|||I'm almost certain that this is a homework question. If you post a URL to the assignment, or a scanned image of the handout you got in class we can provide you with better help.

Yes, you can make more than one change in a single ALTER TABLE statement. No, you shouldn't do it because of the reasons cited by Jezemine and your present uncertainty in the process.


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