Saturday, February 25, 2012

Perform upgrade method


I have two versions of the same dataflow component , i need to use the new version component in the packages created using the old version . How can i do this using the perform upgrade method .



Explanation about PerformUpgrade and a sample code can be found in book online or at:

Hope this helps,
Ovidiu Burlacu



thanks i got the solution the perform upgrade method only works if the current version property, that is stored in the package is less than the currentversion property of the component on the local computer.





If i removed the old DLL from the GAC i am getting errors while opening the package saved with the old version DLL

these are the errors ...

Error 1 Validation error. Data Flow Task: DTS.Pipeline: The component metadata for "component "Oracle Destination" (67)" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed. Package1.dtsx 0 0
Error 2 Error loading Package1.dtsx: The "component "Oracle Destination" (67)" failed to cache the component metadata object and returned error code 0x80131600. d:\testproject\integration services project5\Package1.dtsx 1 1
Error 3 Error loading Package1.dtsx: Component "component "Oracle Destination" (67)" could not be created and returned error code 0xC0047067. Make sure that the component is registered correctly. d:\testproject\integration services project5\Package1.dtsx 1 1
Error 4 Error loading Package1.dtsx: The component metadata for "component "Oracle Destination" (67)" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed. d:\testproject\integration services project5\Package1.dtsx 1 1

how can i correct these errors




You should not remo0ve the old DLL from the GAC becuase the component can no longer be instantiated. The new DLL should be able to live in the GAC with the old DLL because they have different versions (file or assembly or even the PublicTokenKey)



Ovidiu, I don't see how you can do side by side with SSIS components in the GAC. File versions do not differentiate between assemblies, so you cannot use that to installside by side. If you change the assembly version or the key (and therefore the public key token) you can side by side them, but then your are stuffed since SSIS stores the full strong name in the package. Any change in the string name means you get the nice error about not being able to load the assembly. Hacking the XML would seem to be the only solution, shame it is not a supported one :)

|||Indeed you are right. I think is time for me to go in vacation |||

In fact you can automatically upgrade a dataflow component's metadata when you upgrade the component's assembly version.

Here's how:

1. Remove the old assembly from GAC.

2. Make sure your new component's CurrentVersion argument of the DtsPipelineComponent attribute is greater than the one saved in the old metadata. That'll ensure that PerformUpgrade of the new component will be called when SSIS opens the package.

3. In the new component override PerformUpgrade and in it make sure to include the following:

ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection["UserComponentTypeName"].Value = this.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;

This changes the metadata's type reference to refer to the new type and version. This will ensure that things like doubleclick on the component will work if you're using UITypeName argument of DtsPipelineComponent attribute for example.
Of course here you should also upgrade any metadata properties from the old version to the new one, including any UITypeEditor properties of custom properties which have their custom editors.

4. Install the new assembly to the GAC.

5. Create a policy assembly redirecting the old version to the new one and install it in GAC. For example of how to do that see here:

Now when you open packages with the old version the pattern above will automatically upgrade to the new version.


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